There will be NO Cathy's Cupboard food pantry tomorrow, February 20th.


Tonight, there will be a Fostering Kentucky Kids presentation and Q&A at 6pm.

We are collecting for ‘Bottles of Blessings’ in the month of March. Bottles are in the front of the auditorium. Please take one fill as your able & return the bottle to the church by March 30th All proceeds go to support Haven Care Center in Danville and promoting life for the unborn.

Hoops Night: Are you interested in helping serve during Hoops Night on April 4th? Please see Kevin Faulkner for more details!

VBS Volunteer Meeting: There will be a VBS volunteer meeting on Sunday, April 6th following the morning service. Childcare & lunch will be provided!

Cathy’s Cupboard needs: Saltine Crackers, syrup, shelf stable milk, & cleaning supplies.

If needs arise during the week, please contact the Deacon Team of the Week: Kevin Tyler, Mark Wade, & David Walterhouse.