There will be NO Cathy's Cupboard food pantry tomorrow, February 20th.

Service Times

SUNDAY MORNING –   On Sunday mornings we meet @ 9:30 am in the youth room.  This is a time for students to get comfortable with each other, with the teacher, and with the topic of the lesson…can be thought-provoking, fun, and sometimes funny…  Where students really dig in to the Bible and discover its truth…constantly asking what does the Bible say? and what does this truth mean for my life?   Our goal is to help students get the “big picture” of God’s Word.

SUNDAY NIGHT (LIFE GROUPS) –   Sunday night are a time of in-depth Bible study and small groups.  The main focus is discipleship and relationship, where we can equip ourselves to be better Christians through the teaching of the Word of God.  These studies range from New Membership classes to the Study of different Religions.  The times are Sunday night from 6:00 p.m. to 7 p.m.

MID-WEEK (WEDNESDAY) –   We meet every Wednesday night from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. with the focus on giving our students and parents an opportunity to fellowship with one another and learn together.  The Mid-Week service  involves a time of verse-by-verse exposition Bible study, specifically targeted to students.  We welcome first time visitors and encourage them to get to know other students and leaders.

If you have any question about any of our times or events, feel free to contact through the web site or call the church (859-236-5073).