There will be NO Cathy's Cupboard food pantry tomorrow, February 20th.

Community Groups

What are Community Groups?

Community Groups are a place to be transformed by the gospel together. Immanuel uses these small groups to help people connect in authentic Gospel community, grow spiritually and live out the “one another” commands of Scripture, thus displaying the Gospel (Gal. 5:13-15; Eph. 4:2, 32; Col. 3:13, 16; 2 Thess. 1:3).

These groups serve as one of the primary entry points for biblical community within Immanuel, as group-members meet at various times throughout the week to talk about life and work through the Bible together. Our goal is to constantly remind one another of the good news of Jesus Christ and how that applies to each day.

In a Community Group, 8-15 adults have bi-weekly meetings that take place in various locations on various nights around Harrodsburg, Burgin, & Danville. Primarily, group discussions focus around the sermon text from the previous Sunday and its application to life. We also have groups that study other various topics that are relevant to Christian living.

Community Group Locations/Dates/Times: (Groups meet bi-weekly)

Mike & Ellen Ingram            Begins: September 26th
425 Bailey Lane                     (Monday 6pm-7:30pm)
Harrodsburg, KY 40330

Andy & Karen Mikels           Begins: 1st week of October
413 Brookhaven Drive
Danville, KY 40422

Brad & Scarlett Ingram       Begins: September 27th
124  K-Leigh Drive               (Tuesday 6:30pm-8pm)
Harrodsburg, KY 40330


Why Community Groups?

Broadly speaking, Community Groups serve five key purposes. These are:

  1. Spiritual growth and sanctification
    Although one’s personal responsibility for sanctification is paramount, sanctification cannot be accomplished in isolation from the local church. Community Groups provide an ideal context for sanctification to occur. Groups provide encouragement, correction and accountability that assist in keeping us from drifting away from God and away from one another.
  2. The application of Scripture into the “nitty gritty” details of life
    Merely hearing God’s Word preached is insufficient without life change (James 1:22-24). Reading the Bible and listening to faithful preaching doesn’t bear fruit unless it penetrates the heart, provoking obedience and producing definitive change. Community Groups provide a platform to apply God’s Word in such a way that it penetrates the heart.
  3. The giving and receiving of care
    One of the benefits of meeting in small groups is the mutual giving and receiving of care on an individual basis. In Community Groups care is decentralized, being given and received on a specific, personal basis so that no one is overlooked or neglected (1 Cor. 12:24-26).
  4. True biblical fellowship
    Community Groups serve as a platform where Christians can connect, developing close, personal relationships in a way that isn’t possible in a large Sunday morning gathering. In Community Groups, we communicate the joys and struggles in our relationship with God as well as encourage others to know and love God.
  5. 5. Experience and express the gifts of the Holy Spirit
    God has given spiritual gifts to every Christian (1 Cor. 12:1-7) and he desires that we use them. But it’s simply not feasible in a Sunday large group gathering for every member to use his or her gifts. In a smaller and more personal environment such as Community Groups, however, each one can experience and express how God has gifted them by the Holy Spirit.

Community Group FAQ:

Q-Why is there no community group close to me?

A-We are constantly adding community groups and hope to have many around the community soon.